Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Aussie Truckers Work Hard And Smart With TED

Truck drivers are known to be amongst the world's hardest working people, and now thanks to an innovation designed and developed by talent used to working on Ferrari F1's, their now some of the smartest.

Press Release

Aussie Truck Drivers And Transport Managers Do A Tyre Check In Less Than 5 Minutes; More Time For A Real Smoko Thanks To F1 Technology Transport Tech

Meet our mate, and soon we think yours, "T.E.D" (Transport Efficiency Device).

He's not quite Iron-Man, but T.E.D know how to reduce your transport bottom line, reduce driver margin of error, and can save your semi or fleet multiple thousands of dollars a year.

TED R&D has brought true efficiency front of mind, while also scientifically proving that a TED type fit out adds tangible safety benefits to truck and trailer. Light tracks to B Train Double's can benefit from the device that fits in the palm of your hand.

Drivers, like the idea of walking around your truck and semi with a coffee and checking tyre pressures of up to 32 tyres in less than 5 minutes? You can now!

Reduce wear and tear, driver fatigue, increase safety and have peace of mind knowing TED is also an eco friendly solution.

Built in the U.S.A, tested and adapted to rugged Australian conditions.

Meet your offsider mate T.E.D... you will be glad you did.

Call Australian T.E.D manager Colin Meyer for more information.

m: 0431 303 303
w: www.tedaus.com.au

Media Contact:

Media Man
Greg Tingle
m: 0424 223 674
e: greg@mediamanint.com