Talented students from the University of Western Sydney have combined their creative energies to produce an innovative new television current affairs program to be aired on Sydney's own free-to-air community channel, TVS.
'Angle', is a weekly news magazine program which premiered earlier this month.
It has been produced primarily by fourth-year students from the UWS School of Communication Arts who have specialised in journalism, media production, public relations and advertising. They also collaborated with student volunteers from across the University.
Professor Lynette Sheridan Burns, Head of the UWS School of Communication Arts, says 'Angle' offers a fresh approach to news and current affairs.
"Angle gives the people of Greater Western Sydney an opportunity to tell their own stories and provide insights into the culture, environment, sports and health of their region," says Professor Sheridan Burns.
"'The program is an example of how the University of Western Sydney is 'Bringing Knowledge to Life'. It provides students with a unique opportunity to put their skills into practice and create a body of high-quality television work that is informative and will resonate with the diverse communities of Sydney."
"And because Angle has been created by young people, it brings an important youth perspective on today's most pertinent issues."
TVS Chief Executive Laurie Patton says 'Angle' adds another dimension to the Community Television channel.
"'Angle' provides a fresh insight into life in Greater Western Sydney courtesy of the UWS students who have made the program for us," says Mr Patton.
"Angle is a great example of how Community Television provides an outlet for ideas and information that might otherwise never be seen on TV."
A wide range of experts feature in each episode of 'Angle'. Highlights include interviews with Jack Thompson on the topic of arts in western Sydney; Professor Ien Ang on multicultural societies; Betty Green on domestic violence; and Professor Bill Bellotti on the future of food and farming.
The entire nine episode series, which features a total of 53 individual segments, was filmed at the state-of-the-art media studios located at the UWS Werrington South campus.
All studio positions, including presenter, director, camera operator, sound technician and floor manager, were staffed by UWS students. Recent graduates and community organisations such as ICE (Information and Cultural Exchange in Parramatta) were also involved during the filming of the program.
Students from the UWS School of Communication Arts are enrolled in a wide range of disciplines, including graphic design, journalism, photography, media production, performance, music recording and performance, animation, advertising and web design.
This wide range of disciplines enabled UWS students to fill all technical roles, including researching, filming, and editing the stories. UWS students created all of the program's intros, graphics, music, and promotional advertisements.
'Angle' screens each Tuesday at 8:30pm, and is repeated on Wednesday at 2:00pm, and Monday at 11:30 pm.
For more information about TVS, supported by UWS, see link below. (Credit: Blacktown Sun)
Source: http://www.tvs.tv
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