Saturday, August 06, 2005

Maroubra Chamber of Commerce - Parking Meters, Minutes of meeting etc


Chamber of Commerce

5 July, 2005

held at ‘Walsh’s Pharmacy

South Maroubra

PRESENT: Richard & Phillip Walsh, Warwick Asquith, Rozita Leoni, John Deegan, Reinhard & Kim Skandies, Marilyn Jeffries, Kyriacos Mavrolefteros, John Segal, Shirley Struk, David Kean, Andrew Clarke, Michael Phillip, Phillip Gemelas, John White, Carole Marchandier, Jef Edwards, Shane Foley, Scott Steiner, David Kruper, Andrew Zane, Colleen Green, Sergio Pineiro,Pat Collier.

VISITORS: Shane Foley – Century 21, Marilyn Jeffries – Art Show and David Kean – Coast Centre for Seniors.

APOLOGY: Dynamic Physiotherapy; Randwick City Councillors


Pres. Richard opened the meeting with a warm welcome to John Deegan, The Spot Business Association and Reinhart Skandies, Matraville Chamber of Commerce, members and visitors.


Richard and Phillip have worked hard to promote the Maroubra business community through several years of their involvement in the growing Maroubra & Districts Chamber of Commerce. Richard thanked the members for their continued support of the Chamber especially through the forthcoming ‘Fun Run’.


Now in its seventh year, the Annual Art Show promises to be more successful than in previous years. The official opening on Friday, 11 November will be conducted by Governor of N.S.W. Marie Bashir. Dignitaries also invited are Sir Nicholas Shadie, Peter Garrett, and Helen Zerefos.


On behalf of 700 members of Coast Centre for Seniors, thanked MDCC for their continuing support. Community sponsorship is urgently needed to sustain the many activities available to those over 55 years. Informative leaflets were distributed to new members of the Chamber.


This is the biggest event of the MDCC’s year, when 600 contestants will undertake

4 kms / 8 kms run or 4kms walk on Sunday, 23 October, 2005.Organising participants include; S.M.S.L.S. Club (Octoberfest – Music, Refreshments and Bratwurst ), Lions (Markets Stalls), Rotary (Sausage Sizzle), and ‘Reach For the Stars’ performers. Principal sponsor ‘Southern Courier’ publicises the event with articles and advertisements. Corporate and private sponsors are sought to support this significant local community event. Sports Clubs will be approached to help with marshalling, registration etc., Update at next MDCC meeting on Tuesday, 2 August.


Community members meet fortnightly at Seals Club to monitor the progress of the proposed installation of Parking Meters in nearby suburbs.

Parramatta and Leichhardt and Balmain Councils were quoted as having installed parking meters. Radio Station 2GB’s Drive Time session gave extensive coverage to random callers who have experienced negative results of having parking meters installed near their business premises. Richard Walsh and John Deegan as well as some Randwick Residents spoke on air to Phillip Clarke. Letters to the Editor of ‘Southern Courier’ had been published in recent issues of the newspaper.

It was suggested that Chamber members write to General Manager of Randwick City Council

courteously expressing the several detrimental effects that parking meters could have on local businesses, visitors and residents.

The view that the whole matter be kept in focus pointed out

  1. That the conscientious policing of current parking arrangements would solve all the traffic problems.
  2. That a conciliatory approach to Council could engender a more satisfactory climate for productive discussion.

Advertising posters were being distributed throughout the affected areas.

Agreed that $500 be contributed from MDCC funds towards the cost of the posters.

NO PARKING cards were available for members to distribute to businesses in the area.

CLOSE OF MEETING: The meeting closed at 9.00 p m

Pres Richard thanked all for attending. The next meeting will be Tuesday, 2 August.

Discussions At June Gathering

At pack and send Botany- 45a Bunnerong Rd Matraville

President Richard Walsh thanked Warwick Asquith and his wife for their generous hospitality.

Richard thanked all for attending and recognised Inspector David Donohne from Maroubra police, John Deegan and Reinhardt Skandies, chamber presidents if the spot and Matraville and councillors Robert Belleli and Anthony Andrews.

An apology was received from Colleen Green.

Our host Warwick outlined the establishment of his new business in Matraville. His is one of 70 franchises in Australia and he is concentrating on personal service in the package industry.

Inspector Donohue gave an overview of crime in the area and said that happily, the overall crime rate was down recently. He informed the members that foot patrol were taking place in Maroubra Junction and encouraged everyone to report any incident.

There was another lively discussion concerning the council’s policy to install parking meters in Maroubra Beach and a number of areas throughout Randwick. The members confirmed their total opposition to the meters- anywhere and under any circumstances.

Councillor Andrews stated that in his opinion meters would not affect trade in Maroubra Beach- members disagreed strongly. Councillor Belleli said he is not 100% sure how business there will be affected and is awaiting impact studies council is conducting from independent consultants.

As Vice President of the Maroubra Chamber of Commerce and a local Robert Belleli said he like to see increase trade to businesses due to fair parking turn over by car owners to make it easier for local residence and visitors to our area to access parking to local beach businesses.

It was pointed out to the councillors that their convenient arbitrary classification of areas into tourist and commercial zones but some councillors was just nonsense- shops are shops and jobs are jobs.

There are hundreds of people working in Maroubra Beach.


Chamber of Commerce

3 May, 2005

held at

Maroubra Optometrists

874 Anzac Pde Maroubra Jct

PRESENT: Carole Marchandier, Robert Belleli, Helen Coggan, Warwick Asquith,

Lisa Kleiser, Rozita leoni, John Deegan, Reinhard Skandies, Richard Walsh,

Kyriacos & Katrina Mavrolefteros,Pam Roles, Robert Launt, John Segal,

Andrew Zane, Deanne Bond, Shirley Struk, Johmn Venetoulin, Anthony Andrews,

Paul Hurst, Richard Walsh, Andrew Clarke, Pat Collier.

WELCOME: Pres Richard welcomed all members especially Helen, John and Lisa who attended for the first time and Presidents of Matraville and The Spot Chambers,

Reinhard Skandies and John Deegan. Richard expressed appreciation to Katrina and Kyriacos for generously hosting this meeting. A short introductory address was given by Dean who has worked in the practice for more than two years, firstly as part time but full time for past18 months. He deeply appreciates the opportunity to experience the accreditation process and to gain knowledge of the most up-to-date equipment in this optical practice.

FLAGS & FLAGPOLES: Enquiries re Maroubra Road flags & flagpoles should be directed to the Communications Manager of Randwick City Council.

It was agreed that the cost of $50 per flag pole is beyond the reach of small businesses.

Suggestion: That a reduced rate of 30% - 40% be made to small businesses.

‘WELCOME TO MAROUBRA’ SIGNS: It was considered appropriate that 4-5 signs be made available to Maroubra area. That these signs include MDCC, Lions & Rotary logos.

LOCAL GRAFFITI: It has been indicated that a graffiti programme will be undertaken by Randwick City Council in July, 2005.

PARKING METERS: Following the council meeting held on Tuesday, Chamber members expressed appreciation to both Rozita and John Segal for their presentations

of objections to the installation of parking meters. The Chamber members were disappointed with the outcome of the Council meeting which has allowed the decision making to rest with the General Manager of the Randwick City Council.

MR. JOHN DEEGAN: As the concerned President of ‘The Spot’ Chamber of Commerce, he has campaigned for almost two years against the installation of parking meters through presenting more than 40,000 signatures to Council and attending various committee and public meetings.

PERCEIVED EFFECTS OF PARKING METERS: Members of MDCC spoke of the dramatic effects of parking meters in nearby areas; Double Bay, Bondi, and Leichhardt

where small businesses had severely reduced incomes or had ceased to operate.

COUNCILLORS BELLELI & ANDREWS COMMENTS: Councillors Belleli and Andrews urged members to wait for the results of the current studies due for release shortly.

From Chamber Members
It was suggested that the nearby Chambers of Commerce network more closely to make a stronger case to persuade Council to consider the unsatisfactory ramifications of parking meters on the well being of residents and small businesses in the area.

CLOSE OF MEETING: The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m with expressions of appreciation to Councillors, Chamber members and the Staff of Maroubra Optometrists

for hosting this meeting.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 7 June, 2005.