Saturday, July 16, 2005

Australians destroying Australia

Why are some Australians intent on destroying their native Australia?

Australia's natural habitat is world class, yet some Australians appear intent to destroy, or at least significantly jepodise our natural resources and beauty.

In recent weeks much has been said about the planned water purification plant for Kurnel, in Sydney's South. Granted, that region is already industrial, and is somewhat hidden from the rest of Sydney.

It's my belief that extra damage occurs to the natural flora and fauna because the projects are dollar driven, and in many cases private contractors are brought in, and they are looking to save money anywhere possible, sometimes at the detrement of the environment andlocal communities.

Here's a list of some projects to keep a very close eye on...

Kingsford, Sydney - Anzac Parade RTA project - traffic flows in the area

Airle Beach, Queensland - 'Save Our Foreshore' is against over development of the region

Malany Voice - against proposed Woolworths shopping centre to be built near Obi Obi Creek

There are hundreds of cases in Australia, however the above are just a few cases that I am across.

Thanks for reading and go the underdog.

Greg Tingle
Media Man Australia incorporating
Community Media Blog